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The Building of Old Codger

Chick Ludwig

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I'm not so sure that any of us are real. Would "real" people spend their time messing about with building boats? Is Tiger real? I thought he was a figment of my overactive imagination! Didn't I make him up so I'd think there was someone out there actually reading the dumb stuff I put out there?   


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Got the windows in. Had to varnish the overhead and "dog house" interior. Inside of hull comes later after a bit more trim work. Forward and companionway hatched are done. Well, except for the key lock on the c-way. Only a couple of pieces of hardware are fastened down. That all comes later.




A view from inside. The inner rims are screwed in place with oval head sefl-tappers going into the house sides and outer rims. If I expected to be in offshore conditions, I'd through bolt them, but for the conditions I'll be in with the Codger, this will be more than adequate.



There was some discussion on the kind of bedding compound to us on plexi windows on another builder's thread. Here's what I use.


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14 hours ago, Hirilonde said:

If I ever do another boat with a cabin (CS ? Mk3 or OB) I will use a very similar paint/varnish combo.  Its just classic.   Will probably do more than 2 coats of varnish though ?

You're obviously not cursed with ADD. But, the Codger will live under cover when not out on the water, so he'll be ok.

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Sokay, Chick. I know you only put two on now so you don’t have to strip back when you add two more coats. 

Shoot, you might could even just add two coats ever now and again, and what with wear and all, never build up film thickness, AND never have to sand again.


Which, my Buddy was over the other day and we were looking at the big orange ball and chain.

He was simply amazed I did all that sanding by hand. He couldn’t believe it.


I kinda can’t, either, but it weren’t hard, and didn’t (still doesn’t) seem special, except that it’s kinda dumb in this age of power sanders.


Anyway, nothing on my boats is bright. I don’t like brightwork. Generally, not even my masts or oars, either.


Made too much furniture and interior joinery gingerbread in houses and suchlike in my lifetime, I guess. It’s just not my style.


I’m more a lighter cabin type. Or bright cabin. Somesuch like that.




I don’t know. Felt like typing.



Figment Of My Collective Imagination 



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Steve. Sailing is good. More fun than sanding.

Tiger. I do love brightwork. But, my boat lives inside so I don't have to wood it down and add more coats later. Besides, seems like I never keep one long enough to have to repaint or varnish. Maybe this one will be different. I dunno.


Anyway, one thing that comes with "oldcodgerhood" is that I can do whatever I want. I dood it my wayyyyy.

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Yesterday, my friend Don Rausch and I drove “up the mountain” to Chick’s shop.  The purpose of the trip was to inspect Chick’s new creation.  I am happy to report that he did a superb job of adapting one of B&B’s open skiffs into a cute little gunkholer.  I always love oggling his work; his skill level is second to none.   (No surprise there.)  Not soon after we started sharing corny jokes with each other, his cabin cushions arrived.  They really made the cabin look cozy.  He still has a few details to tend to, but he’s on track for bringing her to the Messabout.  You’re gonna love this little gem!

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Thanks Oyster. It's gonna be close getting done for the messabout. Ya know that "life" stuff we all talk about. Lot's of it going on right now to keep me away from Old Codger. Hopefully I'll get back to him tomorrow. Hopefully. Had to take Miss Debbie on a camping trip over the last few days, and another coming up before the messabout. Other stuff, too. Ya know the saying, "If Momma ain't happy, ain'y nobody happy." Well, gotta keep her happy 'cause she's NOT happy about me driving all the way down to the coast from these old mountains.

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Been pickin' away at the Codger. Almost ready to load him on his trailer and hang Mr. Hatsu on his backside. Naturally we ran out of sealant and we don't have enough rubrail. Gonna pick the sealant up tomorrow, and the rubrail at the messabout. Meanwhile, here are a few pictures.


The bow nav light clips under the deck when not in use.



Here's the reading light and switch panel. The wire to the light will have a cover as soon as I get a chance to make it. The light is an L.E.D. I don't wanna run down my starting battery. Mr. Hatsu wouldn't like that.



Gotta have a gear hammock.



Foredeck hardware, That's a big ol' anchor up there. I got used to choosing one in the upper size range for my sail boats down on the sound after getting drug around on the mud flats during a squall at night. It's overkill for this boat. Hey, I know. It helps balance the load of the old guy sitting in the cockpit steering the motor with a tiller. Yep, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.....



The 6 gallon fuel tank goes back here behind the panel. I'll probably need another tank for my longer cruises, so it will stow in the front of the cockpit, I'll make some kinda cover for it. In my spare time. After the messabout.



His back-side. Yeah, I know, the back end is his transom. Just trying to be silly. The flag and stern light stow in clips in the seat lockers. The stern nav light/anchor light is also an L.E.D.


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The Codger is asleep on his trailer, and Mr. Hatsu is resting on his transom. Tomorrow I'll hook everything up to make him actually run, and hopefully do the idling part of the motor break-in while he is on the trailer. Then several details like installing his Bimini top. Maybe a trip to the lake Thursday or Friday for a shakedown and to complete the break-in. Now, don't y'all go thinking that he's done. We're a long way from that. But he'll be done enough for the  messabout. Good Lord willin' and the crick don't rise. I'll have some picture for ya tomorrow. He's still snuggled up in the garage where I can't get good pics. I'll yank him out tomorrow.

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Here he is in all his glory! Still gotta go to the tag office for his trailer title and tag, get his NC registration numbers and name made at my favorite sign maker, "The Mad Signtist" and stick em on, and go to the lake for the next stage of motor break-in. We'll probably hafta do the final break-in at the messabout. Between Miss Debbie stuff, "life", a 3 day camping trip, and whatever else comes along, this is about as done as we're gonna get before the messabout.


That top is gonna be tough to get past to board. He needs a boot stripe. We'll hafta measure where it needs to go with him loaded and sitting in the water.



Mr. Hatsu seems happy sitting back there. He purred like a kitten during his idle only break-in period.


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