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Kennneee last won the day on September 3

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    Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
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  1. Might be time for an upgrade. Windows 2000?
  2. Jay- I am hoping to seethe Looper in these waters some day!
  3. Mike- Try this link. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZiM3757zih2JF1SP7
  4. Chick- Not sure how to move it so if it seems inappropriate I will delete the post. My apologies. Ken
  5. Mike- Try this link. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZiM3757zih2JF1SP7
  6. We are on a little cruise in the San Juan Islands. A friend just sent us this picture and video of Rosie passing by her waterfront home. We were quite a way off sure so she must of had a long lens. Mount Baker in the background. I have said this many times on the forum, but need to say it again. This is a wonderful design. We enjoy every trip on her! https://photos.app.goo.gl/UTTy5ofDXk1rz86y6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZiM3757zih2JF1SP7 Ken
  7. Nice you hear you are making progress. Sorry to hear about the other issues. Keep us posted and send pics when you can.
  8. Great post Carter. So glad you are enjoying your OB. I sure love mine! Yes, you meet some nice people because of these boats. Heck, I had a nice guy named Carter visit me a few years back to see Rosie. Last week a talented professional boatbuilder paid me a visit to explore a OB 26 build for his family. Great community, eh. Ken
  9. Egbert- Nice to hear from you. How are things on your end? Still boating in your beatiful Bluejacket? Say hello to Henry for me. Jay- looking forward to seeing your build take shape! Ken
  10. When I built Rosie I left provisions for a windlass or anchor winch for sometime in the future. I don't like having the anchor rode below but I did create an anchor locker just in case. Hauling the anchor up by hand has never been a problem, except one time when I was fouled on a ghost crab pot. Anyway, recently overused my arm in a kayak race and am paying the price with a nagging tendonitis. Seems like this was the perfect time to install an anchor winch. Jay Knight put me on this Lone Star winch which rolls up the line and chain on deck. Rosie's anchor well works perfectly with this particular unit. Finished the install a few days back and will spend some time at anchor in the next few days. Remote control, a touch of a button, wow!
  11. A beautiful design and build! Flipping her over is a real turning point ( not really intending a pun). Great for your neck, not having to twist and turn to see what she will look like in her intended orientation. Love seeing this build progressing. A bit nostalgic for that focused time building Rosie.... Ken
  12. Anbody know how she was constructed? Ashcroft planked, foam,????
  13. There are a lot of proud popas hanging around this place! Hard not to be proud of the beautiful boats we build.
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