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Action Tiger builds sailboat. With epoxy!

Action Tiger

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   I like that you consider the underwater appendages as depth sounders.  I always have too.  Toughening those things is probably simpler and lighter than adding electronics and batteries and wiring so you can watch the numbers instead of the water.  An added benefit of using the board as a depth sounder is you can get a good idea of what the bottom is made of.  A "swish" is sand, a "crunch" is oysters (Aak!), a "bang!" is a reef, a "bong!" is a wreck and mud is when there's no sound but the boat just slows and stops.  I'm glad to report that I don't know the sound of a diver.

   I like cheap and goofy too.  I don't seem to be here to make history and shape the future so I'm just trying to have a nice time in life.  Please don't quit posting altogether because that would reduce the amount of enjoyment I get from life but certainly don't post so much it's a drain on you.  I only have fun reading your posts when you're having fun writing them.


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Tiger, I always look forward to your posts. Actually, yours are my favorites. I love the "goofy" stuff. It gives me ideas to incorporate into my thinking. As for the social media thing in general, I try to stop following all that stuff on Facebook. Some days I actually succeed in not reading it at all. Some days. I really only try to look at my messages and groups that I follow. You know, a boat group or two, and my turkle groups. But I ALWAYS come to the "Messing...." forum. And look for you.


I gotta admit that I get a kick outa seeing things that I post. Especially dumb stuff like my stories about "Real Southern Sweet Tea" and "...Vienna Sausage". I like to "rattle the cages" of our more refined readers. So, please don't leave me hanging alone out here! There is a famous quote, "If we don't hang together, we shall surely hang separately."


Ken I agree totally. But what am I gonna do to find the rocks with my power cruiser. Those dang props and lower units get kinda expensive!


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Man, I love all youse guys, which is why I still come around. This place is amazing.


I ain’t down on this place, or any of y’all. I never did Facebook or anything else, either. Too much for me. There are a few other joints I been to, but didn’t stay. Too many nasty people. Why is everyone so angry and mean?


I ain’t gonna leave, leave, you know? I ain’t gonna quit coming around, or nothing. I mean, I do have the core sound I gotta finish. I just sometimes put actual thoughts and feelings out there, like a doof.


Small matter. I’m wrapping up the yard traveller for the main mast, and I’ll post a pic later. 

The weather turned, again, so it’ll be a few days before I get back to glassing. I like it to be fairly arid and above 50 all day/night. Right now it’s chilly and damp.


I’ll chip away at what I can, and futz with other stuff.






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Here is the thing the leeboard will bolt through... It is glued and glassed to the hull, and a bolt will go through it and the board.


The board is also glassed both sides, now, and only needs reinforcement on the leading edges and the aft edge glassed over, then built up with thickened epoxy and carved into a hard, sharp edge.


The upper board mount/brace is due to be glued and glassed on today and/or tomorrow. :)


The rudder blade and stock need glassed as well, and are next in the queue. The cockpit seats and mizzen step/partner are the final pieces to be glassed and prepped.


This is almost over!


First thing I’m doing is taking a nap in the cabin...



Sandy Glassman ;)



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   That's very nice!

   Unfortunately I think you've wrapped it backwards.  If you try to use it in the Northern hemisphere it may unravel due to the coriolis effect.  I'll tell you what, though - If you send it to me I'll find a good use for it down here and you can make another one for yourself. ;)

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2 hours ago, Ken_Potts said:

   That's very nice!

   Unfortunately I think you've wrapped it backwards.  If you try to use it in the Northern hemisphere it may unravel due to the coriolis effect.  I'll tell you what, though - If you send it to me I'll find a good use for it down here and you can make another one for yourself. ;)


This is for a four inch mast. Probably to big. Plus, if you used this on a boat Down Under it would just slide off the mast and fall into space. :)


Daughter was most impressed with the fact I just bent it by eye, and it came out round! Duh! That’s what I do! Haha.


The funniest part is I was too lazy to sew leather on, and I think the ring bolt hitches actually look cooler. 


What size was it you needed, again? ;)



String Theorist



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1 hour ago, AmosSwogger said:

Nice work.



On a unrelated note, Saturday, 4/14/18, you posted "This is almost over!".


I don't believe you.

This boat. :) You know what happened? The list stopped growing. 


You know the list of tasks for the boat? And, how every item crossed of makes three more to be added?

No more. I’ve got just a dozen left. I simply cannot think of a single item to add. The list is final, complete, and nearly done.


Of course, just as I near the end, the weather gets cold and rainy, again. Glassing on hold, again. Just a few pieces left...


No matter. I just futzed with the car and the next boat. Wait. What?





P.S. I will admit to being easily distracted at this stage, too. I’m probably up to 100 hours of cabin time, and easily as much cockpit time. Dreaming, imagining, dreaming... :)


I promise, this is almost over. 


Of course, almost is a relative term. I may mean almost in the geological sense...;)



Squeegee Glassington III

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1 minute ago, Chick Ludwig said:


Let us help to add to your list....

Now, Chick...


Don't you know I got several lists? :) 

The list for the pedal car is stagnant, just now.

The list for the Sneakeasy keeps growing.

The list for old #55? Oy. It’s epic. I had to build a shed just for that list.


The simple boats I don’t make lists for. Like the skiff I made a while ago. Or the little boat me and the kids are building now. Pure lumberyard nonsense boat.


The trimaran list keeps growing, and I don’t even have a set of lines settled on, yet. Well, the amas are done. I think I’ve drawn some pretty slick amas...


Wait. What the heck were we talking about? Oh yeah, the lists for the treehouse remodel, and the pole lathe remodel, and the garden, and...





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On 4/18/2018 at 9:30 PM, Action Tiger said:


This is for a four inch mast. Probably to big. Plus, if you used this on a boat Down Under it would just slide off the mast and fall into space. :)


Daughter was most impressed with the fact I just bent it by eye, and it came out round! Duh! That’s what I do! Haha.


The funniest part is I was too lazy to sew leather on, and I think the ring bolt hitches actually look cooler. 


What size was it you needed, again? ;)



String Theorist




   I like the ring bolt hitches too.

   What size do I need?  Well, there's a good question...  I guess it depends on what boat I'm going to use it on, so if you send a size that won't fit any of my current projects I'll "have to" build another boat to fit.  Waste-not want-not, after all. :)  If you send me a Master-And-Commander sized traveler I'll be forced to build HMS Surprise and then I'll save some money on airfare for my next trip to (invasion of!) the US (Aaarrr!).

   Where's me parrot?!?

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Well, I can’t attach any pictures. It can’t be file size, because I can’t post pictures I’ve already posted.


I tried re-posting the traveller and leeboard mount again, and got the error message.


I can’t post pictures anymore. I’m not going to keep trying. 


I don’t know. My dreams came true and I can disappear back into my garop to blunder on alone? This all seems pointless if I can’t post pictures.


I’ll describe things, then. I’m very poetical with my prose, you knows?



Boomkin Bob

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