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  • Birthday 04/18/1947

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  1. I suppose nearly everyone visiting this forum has built a boat, or two, and has answered the questions and heard the nice comments at each boat launch, as well as, enjoyed the thumbs up exchanges with other boats on the water and cars passing on the highway. I sure have, but this phenomenon may have a more robust life out here in the interior where boats like the ones we build are not all that common. Last week I experienced the most unexpected boat ramp conversation yet. As Joan and I hauled our OB20 up the ramp and began to tie it down and do the other things to get ready to leave, I noticed a tall gentleman with a floppy sun hat watching us and grinning. I knew that very soon I would be answering all those standard questions and perhaps encouraging him to build a boat of his own. We were at Starvation Reservoir, a state park in North Central Utah. Ready for him to ask if I had restored that boat, he shocked me and said, “That's an Outer Banks 20 and your name is Carter, isn't it?”. I was speechless. Steve and Dianna, who enjoy restoring old boats and airplanes, were camping their way from Little Rock, Arkansas, where they are restoring an eighty-year-old Stinson, to their home in Seattle. They enjoy visiting state parks along the way. They chose Starvation because of its convenient location straddling US40 and, of course, the curious name. Steve told me he spotted us on the water from his campsite and recognized the boat as an Outer Banks 20 and knew whose it was on account of the 'swoosh' on the side. Steve is obviously a frequent visitor to the Messing About/BandB Yacht Designs forum...and an avid boat guy. Completing our work on the ramp and ending the nice conversation, Joan and I took off. After a few miles of silence, we looked at each other and said, “What are doing?” and returned to the campground to search for out-of-state license plates hoping to find Steve's campsite. Steve and Dianna followed us home for dinner and a night at our place. The following morning they departed for Bear Lake State Park on the Utah/Idaho state line. You meet the nicest people pursuing this hobby. I'm sure we will stay in touch with Steve and Dianna and visit them in Washington someday...maybe even meet them at Port Townsend for the boat festival. Another nice surprise and benefit of this boatbuilding hobby was running into this gentleman and his wife last month while Joan and I were on a bike and boat cruise through the Czech Republic. Dan and Sherri are from Chicago; Dan builds beautiful model boats. A few words about the boat. The last time I posted I mentioned having some electrics to finalize, a little interior trim work to finish and rubrails to fabricate and install. The problem with launching the boat before it was really ready is my list now includes all the above, plus fabrication and installation of a small bowsprit for the anchor roller, companionway doors and hatch, plus its already time for a few maintenance items. Still the best hobby and the very best boat for me.
  2. Thanks guys. That's exactly what I was looking for. I'll contact Progressive again and get a quote from Hagerty, too.
  3. I could use some advice regarding insurance. My auto and homeowner insurance company (USAA) does not offer boat insurance. They referred me to Progressive, who doesn't seem to like kit boats. I tried to another company, but they didn't like the idea that the hull is primarily wood, even though it is sheathed with fiberglass and epoxy resin inside and out. I tried to word 'composite' on the agent, but only got several seconds of dead air. Surely, there is a company that will write policies for our boats. Am I being too forthcoming? Would it be accurate to call the Outer Banks series fiberglass boats? Insurance companies seem to be more comfortable with them. On the other hand, as I think about new tactics, I'm realizing that liability is my main concern and not so much damage to my boat as I would be the person to repair almost any damage the boat might incur. Your thoughts and recommendations will be appreciated.
  4. Thanks guys. Now that she’s seen a little freedom, I think it’s going to be difficult to keep her on the farm until she’s 100% ready. Ken, I’ve struggled with a name. I’ll probably just stick with HighDesert. It’s entirely appropriate plus, although I’d love to use your sweet (and very wise) boat naming strategy, there are just too many deserving females in my life.
  5. Thanks Dave. I was torn between a dark or light hull and happy with the white. Happy with the whole journey, so far. Oops, it looks like I inadvertently posted doubles of that sketch. That seems to happen frequently to me on this website.
  6. Its finally Spring in Utah and time to move this boat out of the shop and onto a trailer. It has been on a building jig with casters, so moving it about is easy and I have chain hoists in the shop. Unfortunately, hoisting it high enough to get it on a trailer makes it too tall for the overhead door. We pulled it out of the shop on planks and then tackled the problem of hoisting it outside. To make a long story a little shorter, I considered and rejected all kinds of ideas before settling on a contraption I thought I had invented. After sketching it up, I recognized my creation and realized someone had already invented the Gantry crane. We've all seen them in industrial settings. I built one for each end of the boat out of wood. They only had to be high and wide enough to get the trailer under the boat. The boat isn't nearly finished yet, but once on the trailer, I couldn't resist taking her on a field trip. We spent quite a bit of time working on the waterline painting and I have been anxious to see how she will sit on her lines. I suppose its cheating, but I read that Sam Devlin does a private "Builder's Launch" before delivering boats to clients. I called my sneaky little trip to the water a "Float Test". It turns out she floats just fine. Now, back to work...some electrical, trimwork, rubrails, etc..
  7. Thanks guys, your comments are appreciated. Ken, yes I'm very excited about going boating this spring. I had been concerned about finding enough water for that, but the atmospheric river causing so much chaos in California, has been bringing lots of beneficial snow this way. Thanks, Dave. Nice design on those hinges, huh? As I was working on them I was both wishing they were stainless steel and grateful they weren't. Gray Duck, I'm glad you asked about toe rails and rub rails, because I'm not sure what to do. I certainly get the need for rub rails along the shear, but what about toe rails? Isn't preventing things from rolling off the deck their only function? Also, what material to use for those items? Several years ago a friend who owns a large millwork plant gifted me with a ton of Sapele wood. Does anyone know if Sapele can be treated like Teak...as in left untreated, or perhaps oiled? What I have is offcuts from projects, so they are small in dimension, but mostly 16' long. Would untreated Sapele with (or without) a half round SS or bronze strip be acceptable for rub rails? Another thing, the deck/topsides joint where a rub rail would attach is not flat. I'll attach a photo to illustrate. Should I grind it down to make it flat, or is there some way to relieve the backside of the rub rail like door casing and base molding? Hey Steve, you already have a nice boat! Besides, as long as my son stays on my good side, its doubtful this boat will ever be for sale.
  8. A bit of a sidebar on my OB20 project. The plans show details of self-made hinges for the forward cabin deck hatch. My first thought was "Why would anyone spend the time and effort to attempt to make something, when they could simply go out and just buy it?". My next thought was "I don't believe I just said that". Thinking back on it, my last metalworking project was in Mr. Tinsley's Metal Shop Class (1964) in high school. Funny name for a metal shop teacher, huh? Graham said "A simple and sturdy hinge could be made with minimal tools". Easy for him to say. Feeling a little more than just a little bit intimidated, I studied and studied what I considered to be his not-so-simple plans, bought some 1/8" aluminum and got after it. Good decision; it was actually fun. Like most simple (and elegant) designs, the journey from start to finish is not usually simple, or particularly easy. There are some remaining tweaks and more correct screws, bolts, etc., I'm pleased with the outcome and sure glad I chose to tackle it.
  9. It’s that time of year again. Sometime around Thanksgiving, the Small Boats annual magazine arrives at the newsstands. Barnes & Noble in Cottonwood Heights, Utah only brings in six copies, so Joan gets there early (not that there’s a big demand for them around here) to buy one, wrap it and put it under the tree. I usually intercept it at the door. I was delighted, though not surprised, to see Ken Katz’s article about his OB26, Rosie. She’s a beauty; to be sure. Realizing I hadn’t checked in on the messing-about forum for a long time, I took the time to review many posts, including his...the Spindrift (Kendrift) 9, Lapwing 16 Lula (love that name) with hollow bird’s mouth masts, and Cat’s Cradle, a 33’ steel sailboat. I learned of Cat’s Cradle a few years ago, but I didn’t understand the magnitude and complexity of that project until just now. I also learned that a longer article with more photos of Rosie appeared last February in the monthly addition of Small Boats. Ken, your work is amazing. The Outer Banks series is a wonderful design and you did right by it.
  10. Thanks for the comments guys and especially for noticing the ‘swoosh’, as you called it Andy. I wrestled for a long time to come up with a design that I liked to conceal the plywood scarf on the wheelhouse. Echoing the curve in the coaming was the final solution. This winter I’m looking forward to doing some electrical, engine and engine controls work that I had hoped to do last winter...or was it the winter before?
  11. A few weeks ago I was on the phone with my ninety-something mother-in-law when she asked how that boat was coming along. I told her, "Mary, its looking more and more like a boat every day'. She came back with, "Carter, it looked like a boat three years ago". She's right, of course, but I'm getting closer. And having more fun now, than when I started. I'll post a few pictures, but don't have much in the way of captions...it's pretty obvious where I'm at and where I'm going.
  12. “Picture on the cover...”. Very nice, Steve. Congratulations, you look pretty happy.
  13. Thanks Graham, I appreciate the tips and the encouragement. I'm sure you have noticed I'm loving building this boat. Over time, I have realized (accepted) that it's not really a "project" at all, but a hobby, which makes it more fun for me. Apparently you're on Carlita's Next Adventure just now. You seem to be a guy in the right place in life to do some of the things you've wanted to do for a long time and still have the motivation and ability to do them. Good for you and good luck on those adventures. That's a nifty little inspection glass you've made for the gas tank fittings. I have decided to stick with the 25 gallon tank I have. I plan to install the battery(s) in the aft locker, but ran conduits and made accommodations for them up just aft of bulkhead #2 just in case it looks like she'll set better on her lines with a few pounds forward. I was just beginning to fillet and glass the bilge compartments when I last checked in. Since then, I've added some rigid foam flotation and installed the side decks, cockpit floor and the aft seat/locker. I just ordered the steering gear and wheel and will dry fit the engine soon. I have a fairly new Mercury 4 stroke 40, which will go on initially. I'll attach some photos.
  14. Oh, the recreation and fitness centers are open out here, but like you (and Don) I would rather be out doors. Thanks for the 16th year field report. Good to know these boats will be around for a long time, when built correctly. Several years ago, I built an Annapolis Wherry, which I love and which is my (sometime, but not often enough) exercise machine. You guys are awesome.
  15. Dave, that's a great looking boat and you row it nicely. Good exercise plan, too. You're lucky to have the pond so close...beats going to the rec center, huh?
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