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OC20 - #109


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Hi Everyone, 


A buddy and I have embarked on a new project - a partially finished Ocracoke 20-B, hull 109. All planking has been completed by the previous owner and now it's on us to start sanding, filling, faring and glassing. We are avid sailors and tinkerers, well versed with fiberglass projects though this is something new for us. Our goal is to turn this into a good looking little center console by July...I know, we are hopeful.


I'm certainly glad this forum exists, seeing everyones fantastic builds is amazing and motivating, let alone all the valuable knowledge sharing that occurs.


That brings me on to our own project and I was hoping to seek some input in our methods. Please let us know if we are completely of or if there may be a better way to do things. We are about to start sanding and fairing the hull. As you can see in the last picture, it looks like someone had a little too much fun with an a rotary sander and I think we'll need to get quite some ways into the plywood for it to come out looking decent - any problems with just adding fairing compound over top of this and smoothing from there? As I understand it you want to fill the glue holes with epoxy/wood mix (completed already) and then you can fill in any additional pockets with fairing compound. I've seen some fair the hull without any fairing compound (or so it seems) and other do the fairing compound prior to glassing. My thought is that you want to get everything as perfect as you can prior to glassing, and then apply a tiny filler coat on top of the glass so you can get ready for high-build/primer/paint. 


We'll try our best to keep updating this topic and share our experiences. She is currently located in Atlanta. 









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  • 3 weeks later...

You’re doing an awesome job!  My experience is that you will never eliminate all the surface imperfections until after the first coat of primer.  When everything is painted a uniform flat color, you’ll see a whole new family of imperfections.  Your Total Fair will come to the rescue, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

little update:

- Lifting strakes have been completed. Took a bit more time than we estimated, vacuum bagging left some air-bubbles that needed filling and that was a tedious process. 

- Lightly sanded entire hull, removed a few drips & washed down the entire boat to prep for fairing compound

- Applied 1st layer of Alexseal SuperFair 212, a little thicker near curved areas and thing on the flat surfaces. We spent a good bit fairing the hull prior to glassing so hopefully this wont be too bad. This weekend we'll start blocking/fairing the entire hull and see how good our prep actually was. After this apply High-build primer, Finish Primer & TopCoat (Cloud White) to the hull and get ready to flip her!



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