And in First Overall and first and only in Three on a Monohull, we have twobeers, moresalesed and Ninjee (the designer, O. H. Rodgers, who said "I didn't realize how much running aground we would be doing.") on the purpose-built adventure racer Spawn (white, with a safety-orange underbely) boiling the bays at at elapsed time of 1 day, 12 hours! !!!
A 22-foot long sloop, with a sliding rowing seat and a centerboard, Spawn's chockablock with upcycled parts: a used Melges-20 carbon-fiber mast, twin rudders from a Hobie 16, a narwhale-like bowsprit fabricated from a Captiva mast, Frankenscot's old shaped centerboard, a massive carbon-fiber boom constructed from an A-cat mast that met with an unfortunate accident, big wide hiking racks made of aluminum tubing, borrowed oars. -from the very well written and often funny blog
For Florida waters the clever use of horizontal keels with crew as the bulbs seems to have worked a treat.