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Building the CS20.3, I'm at the step where we install the hanging knees into the hull after filleting and glassing the keel.  I made a really stupid mistake wanted a bigger challenge and snapped the aft hanging knee into thirds, where the cut-outs are for the deck support beams.


I've started fixing this by putting everything in place, liberally applying epoxy, and putting about 8" of fiberglass tape on both sides of both breaks.  It seems to be pretty strong now, so I am planning to just clean it up and proceed.  But, I am wondering if anyone else had to fix something like this, and if so, if more drastic measures would be necessary?  


One possibility I was considering was to add a fillet for 5-6" on either side of the breaks, in the L-shaped corner formed by the overhang of the doubler, and then wrap a second piece of fiberglass around that fillet, which I think would have the effect of approximately doubling the thickness of the "beam" at that point (under the notch for the deck beam).  Not sure if this is overkill, but given my ability to break stuff, overkill might not be the worst thing in the world.



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