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Spindrift 10n Hull 993 is 3D and 99% wired!


I made the breast hook and quarter knees from the template--to make them fit will require a fair amount of coaxing...Is this normal? See the photos.

post-2157-0-83488700-1329714263_thumb.jpg post-2157-0-75546300-1329714266_thumb.jpg

Any and all input much appreciated.



Ditto John = hull squared & true, seams fitteted & tapes, gunwales on, then you can fit the quarter knees & breasthook. No "coaxing of the hhull itself, all fitting adjustments to be made on the quarter knee and breasthook parts.

Good job Hull looks sweet. I am eagerly awaiting your post on the trauma of sawing the hull apart. Yeah, standing over the beautiful work of boat art with a Japanese pull saw in hand going ohmigod, ohmigod, have to SAW my boat in half! :-)


Yup, all of the above mentioned stuff comes first. I found a belt sander, stationary if you have one is the tool to fit those pieces. The sides of the knees and breasthhook end up beveled a little as well as tweaking the shape.


Thanks for all the help, so to claify the next steps are:

  1. square the boat
  2. attach gunwales with epoxy, if so, is a temporary backing plate enough for the guwales to be scrwed into at the bow and stern?
  3. filet & tape inside seams
  4. attach beast hook and quarter knees

My confusion stems from GB's instrucions which say

  1. Wire boat
  2. Make and install breasthook, knees and gunwales
  3. filtet and tape inside seams

Thanks for the advice.



Dry fit the gunwales to each side first, starting at the bow and gradually working toward the stern. Use a screw to secure them at the bow, then clamps along each side, working from bow to stern, keeping the sides symetrical. Be gradual and gentle bending the gunwales. A screw isn't necessary at the stern if you're using enough clamps. Once you're satisfied everything is in the right place and the hull is fair, release the clamps on one side, from back to front. Apply your epoxy (thickened), re-install the bow screw and repeat the clamping process, bow to stern. Once you're satisfied its clamped back in the right spot, the sides are still symetrical, and you've cleaned up the epoxy that has squeezed out, you're ready for side 2. You can do it right away or whenever. Just don't release the dry clamps until you're ready to glue it in place.

Understand why you might have been confused. Your revised order of events is correct.

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