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I'm studying the book you (Jeff) put out and I have a couple questions.

On page 52, right side of the page, is a view of the Curlew, side and top perspectives. I'm trying to figure the numbers on the drawings. I figured they relate to frame placement however they do not correspond to the "X" dimensions on the tables of offsets on page 53. What am I missing?

Second question. in the side view drawing on page 52, it appears there is a frame in the cockpit. about the middle, a little forward, but I don't see a offset listing for it nor is there a measurement for it in the drawing. Is there a frame there?

Thanks for the input.


Look in the very back for the book, I don't have it in front of me so I don't know the page number. But there is a URL listed for any corrections.

What happened is the software I use works in feet so I have to convert the charts to feet and inches. When I created the chart I somehow left the top line (frame locations) in feet and converted everthing else to feet and inches. The numbers are correct, but just in the wrong format. I have posted the corrections at the URL listed.


I don't think their is a frame (under the seat..in the middle of the cockpit).

You are right something is gone wrong...acording to the scale I am using the hull is a little over 15' long and the measurement's start getting messed up just behind the cockpit and forward....

I'll bet the # on page 53 are correct...


The corrections at the site are not for the Curlew. I'm wondering if numbers on page 53 drawings are for a different boat. The boat shown has to be over 15' long. If the off sets are correct, it's not a problem as long as the offsets are correct.

Jeff, not trying to criticize, I started drawing the frames for the Curlew based on the offsets in the book. If they are correct, I will continue and maybe some day have a boat that I can have fun in. I was going to say as nice as your nimo but I know it won't be that nice.


The Bow ..X measurments extends forward to 24'' which must mean the y measurment

= height ....

So from the 13' frame forward this would makie it 15'....

You are talking on the offset tables, correct? I see that, I'm just stating I believe the numbers on the pictures on page 53 must be for a different boat, not the Curlew. I think the offset tables are correct. I hope they are that is what I am laying out my frames from.


Okay, I figure it out. The picture on page 53 is not the Curlew and maybe it was not suppose to be. I just assumed it was. It is the same drawings as are found on page 56 in the Poco Barta section. In fact, I think they are of the Poco Barta. Anyway, sorry, I got off on a tangent and confused myself.


Okay, I figure it out. The picture on page 53 is not the Curlew and maybe it was not suppose to be.

I just did one of those things that annoys me when other people do it. I didn't read your post thoroughly before replying.

The corrections I talked about were Stonefly, not Curlew.

I grabbed a copy of the book this morning and you just caught a mistake I had not seen. That is a drawing of Pouco Barta and it should have been Curlew. They look alike in profile so I see how that happened. The offsets are for Curlew, just have the wrong reference drawing.

I will have to add the right image to the correction page. It's handy to have that drawing to look at as you build.


I have the highest respect for anyone that writes a book. It cannot be easy. There is a lot to getting it all together, especially a "how to book". I've written a couple tutorials for some forums and even a one or two page tutorial is not easy. You did a great job on this book. I think using it for instruction I will be able to build the Curlew. It's all in there. So far I have the first three frames drawn out on poster paper. I have always enjoyed drawing patterns from offset tables. Don't know why, just one of the things I enjoy.


Okay, I'm breezing through drawing my patterns using the offset tables, until I get to the Stern. I'm pretty sure I have the Stern Top correct, but the stern, really has me baffled. Can someone, somehow, give me a little explanation or instruction? How can Y=1 and X=9 than you have Y=1 and X=9/16? All numbers are showing positive values. With the values shown I cannot come out what I think the stern should look like.

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Need more info, but a quick glance at the drawings I made the chart from, these appear right. I don't see the problem. Only thing I can think of is your not expecting the notch for the stringer maybe? There is a drawing of what they should look like once done.

Working with coordinates will mess with your head!! It is very easy to get confused.


Thanks, Jeff, you made me go back and give it one more go. I was having two problems. The main one being I was expecting the curve to be on the left side of the paper. The second I was losing track of the sequence of my dots. So I just graphed it as the tables show and numbered each dot as I plotted it and walla, (as in Walla Walla, WA. only a few miles from me) I have a drawing of the stern.

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No problem. I spent more than few minutes looking over the drawing I made and the offsets in the book trying to understand it again. Even working with it all the time I get confused regularly.

I am working on a sloping wineglass transom right now, trying to lay it out from the design drawing into a flat piece that I can cut. I have stayed confused.

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