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HOLY COW!!! 9kn average for 11hours?!?!?!?!


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Actual distance is probably longer (since they went outside for a while), making their speed higher. I can't figure out why this doesn't jibe with the gwvas website speeds, though: they're all much lower. I'm guessing the gwvas site does average speed point-to-point, which would usually be smaller than distance over ground, what with tacking and manuevering. I guess the most reliable speed data will come from Graham's gps.

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That would be:

9 miles per hour = 7.82078618 knots

Still unreal!!!

Assuming that the miles are land miles this would be true. My GPS uses nautical miles.

But yeah, it is over hull speed either way. They must have been doing a little planing!

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As the gwvas tracking system is designed to keep track of trucks, it most likely measures statute miles. The speeds it reports appear to be the speed at the time of the report. At least one instance yesterday showed a zero speed after substantial movement over the prior hour. The zero speeds and movements this morning were probably a different story - like low tide and mud flats(?).

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