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Okay, I am real dumb about computers. In fact, I ain't owned one since last millineum, and this is an iThing.

See, this forum is so easy to use, I have never had any problems, except pictures. I figure it's been a few years, I should ask.

Okay. When I put up pics I have taken landscape, they post fine. However, any pics I've taken portrait style always turn on their sides. I have tried editing the pics to be oriented landscape on the device, but it seems there is some embedded info or whathaveyou that insists the photo turn sideways on the forum.

I got a few stories to post about how dumb I am, but I need the pics to prove it. This IS the Internet, after all. I'd like the pictures to orient properly, too, because I'm weird, I guess. :)

Again, how can I get portrait style shots from my iThing to post without flopping over in shame?




It's not your fault. The forum software doesn't recognize the tags in the image that tell it how to orient the image so it blindly posts them. The image tags are a relatively recent thing so that people can take pictures in their phones, with the camera set nearly any direction left, right or portrait style, and the computer displaying them knows which end is up. The forum software has the "new" feature but they aren't adding it to the older version I'm running. I haven't had time to do the upgrade but hope to do it before the end of the year. 


Thanks, Frank. Not even a big deal. That just means I'll wait to post the pics of me being goofy.

I'm actually impressed as heck with myself that there really are such things as instructions in the picture file. Am I a hacker now?


Thanks, brother. I may have mentioned it before, but this is quite a unique and wonderful forum. I do love it here, so. Thanks, again, Frank.




Thanks, Frank. Not even a big deal. That just means I'll wait to post the pics of me being goofy.

I'm actually impressed as heck with myself that there really are such things as instructions in the picture file. Am I a hacker now?


Thanks, brother. I may have mentioned it before, but this is quite a unique and wonderful forum. I do love it here, so. Thanks, again, Frank.




Next time it happens you can point to the image, turn to the person next to you and say "The software is not reading the orientation tag in the EXIF information." If they ask what that means roll your eyes and say "It's pretty technical." Then you will be like every IT guy I have ever met!


I've been trying to memorize what you wrote. I decided using notes makes me look not as smart as all that. :)

Seriously, I'm going to use that on my computer nerd buddy. Is it exif, or e,x,i,f? Do you word the acronym, or say the letters? I want to sound legit.

By the way. I posted a photo just now. It is so easy to do. This forum really did nudge me back onto the web. But, I'm still not facebooking, sorry. :)




Robert, if the EXIF comment and eye roll don't scare them away just look at the monitor with a concerned look on your face and say "Wait!  It's not the EXIF after all, you've just got your monitor sideways!"


I always blame everything on TC/ICP protocol transit algorithm. I try to backfeed the processor network to unspool the drive. Sometimes works. :)

I have no idea what the heck goes on inside those wizard boxes.



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