I'm about to put a laminated gunnle on my Spindrift 11 N. I'm hoping to cut the stock tonight in getting ready. I read in the archives that laminating is done to releave stress. sounds good to me. Here are some questions.
1. I have a piece of White Oak, 12 feet long that I will resaw to use. I was thinking of laminating in a piece of cedar between the two, except for a short section where the oarlocks are. It would be lighter, bt not much, but I think it would look nice. Any comments?
2. what glue to use? epoxy is the un-natural natural choice, but it's messy around all those clamps. any alternatives?
3. The profile of the gunnels is sort of a radiused trapezoid. I would need to hold it all together and then profile it with a router after attaching I think. Am I missing an easier way to preform it?
Take Care,