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Kyle H.

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Posts posted by Kyle H.

  1. Kyle I TALKED TO Jerry today and I emailed you his est.

    Sounds like this is getting way to complicated. :rolleyes:;);)


    Thanks much Scott. 60-80# sounds good. I am just getting ready to leave for a week in Hawai'i and had planned on bringing back some sand to try Ray's idea. I won't ride my horse over this time... ;)


  2. If yuou take your mold you originaly made to make a plaster of paris casting, and submerge it in water and measure how much water it displaces you can figure out what volume of lead you will need.

    As a rough and dirty approximation you could also weigh the bilge keel plug. If you used fir to fabricate it figure it weighs about 40% of what an equivalent volume of water would weigh. So you can do the math from there as well.

    Rough rule of thumb is that lead weighs roughly 1/2 pound per cubic inch.

    For sake of conversation if the plug weighed 5 lbs and made of fir, than 5lbs = .40 x

    5 lbs/ 0.40 =x, x = 12.5 lbs of water.

    roughly 8 lbs of water to the gallon so you would be looking at roughly 1.5 gallons of lead needed.

    A cubic foot of lead weighs around 700 lbs.

    A cubic foot of water is roughly 8 gallons.

    a cubic foot is 1728 cubic inches.

    1 gallon is 216 cubic inches

    1 1/2 gallons is roughly 325 cubic inches.

    so roughly 170 lbs of lead as it is always better to have more than you need when you start a pour than less.

    I doubt your stub will weigh 5 lbs of wood.

    And density of wood varies with moisture content of it too... But thats the math..

    Give a Man a fish and he will be back the next day for another one. Teach him to fish and he wants to spend all day fishing, drinking beer, and getting nothing else accomplished...

    Thanks for the fish! ;) Scott sent me the mold. Jerry made the mold. Therefore, I have asked Scott to contact Jerry to see if Jerry remembers how much lead weight he needed to fill the mold. I could add water to the plaster of Paris mold, but then it would be a moot melted point!

    I'll let the Forum know when I get the answer...wish it was written in the plans, the other weights are.


  3. I have always used my Japanese saw with a more horizontal angle, rather than vertical. I cut my teeth on these saws; as a child, my Marine father was stationed in the Orient and made sure that I could use this saw "properly." But seeing that you were at The Wooden Boat School, I would image that they would not steer you wrong...hmmmm... :mellow: And yes, I was the only girl on my block with my own little set of tools. The Japanese saw I use has a stiffer blade than the most recent one I purchased at Home Depot..it is very flimsy. I still have the one Dad gave me back in 1961.


  4. I haven't worked out length needed as yet, but Two piece is a very reasonable option.


    The scullmatix not only allows a 2 part sculling oar but it also makes sculling virtually an automatic operation.

    Have not worked out stowage space either as yet.

    Thanks for the lead on that, Ray. Somehow I missed your post. Just looked at some "yuloh" vids on YouTube...pretty cool! Don't know if I want the Scullmatix or the cool factor of being able to get the angle and the rhythm myself! B)

    Kyle #44

  5. Turns out you can pull the CB from the top of the trunk. And I think I found my vibration problem.

    The board was only barely faired. The photo is of the trailing edge. The trailing edge is about 1" thick. The leading edge isn't much better. I'm about to have it pay a visit to my power planer.

    Gotta love that picture: acoustic guitar, concert piano, oriental rug, and the centerboard...what class! B)

    Kyle #44

  6. Kyle,

    Bulkhead #4 is just a partition between the quarter berth on the starboard side and the starboard cockpit locker. It is not structural and can be positioned forward or aft of the position shown to change the length of the bunk. For instance if a builder was unusually tall or short they could move bulkhead 4 aft for more bunk length at the cost of a smaller cockpit locker or bigger locker and shorter bunk.

    Much thanks, Graham. I will take note of this.


  7. Just finished cutting out the two Bulkhead #2's and should be installing them someday this week after work. I am planning on installing Bulkheads #2, then the centerboard case, then Bulkheads #3. Does anyone see any problem with this order?

    Scott just PM'ed me to say that this is how it is done. Thanks Scott!

    Melting down the remaining wheel weights tonight and pouring the centerboard weight. It is due to snow again for a few days, so will be holding off on some epoxy jobs until it warms a bit.


  8. Another question on the plans: the layout sheet specifies number 17 as Bulkhead #4. I do not see this in the plans, unless it is the bulkhead (?) that is on the starboard side 15' 4 3/8" back from the bow, shown on the Hull Construction Plan sheet.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance!

    Kyle #44

  9. Kyle,

    It is good to hear that you are feeling well enough to get back at it again.

    I had left that curve up to the builder so that he could adjust the starboard cockpit side to fit the boat "as built". It is not a bad idea to have a guide so here are the measurements.[attachment=6222.jpg]

    Thanks Graham! That is exactly what I needed. :D

    Just finished cutting out the two Bulkhead #2's and should be installing them someday this week after work. I am planning on installing Bulkheads #2, then the centerboard case, then Bulkheads #3. Does anyone see any problem with this order?

    Much thanks for the assistance.

    Kyle #44

  10. Hi All ~ Shoulder is recovering nicely and I am back with my build again.

    I am looking at the Bulkheads sheet on my plans and notice that there are no dimensions for the cockpit side starboard side. The port side has measurements, but the starboard side is different by a bit.

    Anyone have an answer for me for dimensions?

    Much thanks!

    Kyle #44

  11. Sorry to hear it Kyle. Enjoy your South America trip. Post pictures ;)

    Hope that you and Richard connected. I am still stuck here in SA, but slowly making my way up the coast towards Panama. Lost the camera. Hope to board a freighter from the Canal to San Fran and hoof it home to Nevada from there. It was a faster trip down since Magpie is related to Pegasus (long story), we flew with the westerlies.

    By the time Magpie and I make it home, my nose will be over a foot long. :rolleyes:


  12. I would like to have a sculling oar on the boat since it would be pretty easy to move it with one, but as Ray said, stowage is an issue.

    I, too, would like to get a sculling oar and am setting up for one. Anyone know what length is recommended for this? I have been looking for YouTube videos on the use of the yuloh (sculling oar) so that I can practice. My old boyfriend used one on his tender at times....it was pretty cool!

    Perhaps for stowage it could be a telescoping carbon fiber model...or a two piece model...one CAN dream, yes?

    Kyle #44

  13. Hi Ken

    Looked more carefully - see you are coming on Tues - I am definitely around. Email me backchannel to work out connecting up.


    Hi Ken ~ My horse threw a shoe just past Venezuela, and I am stuck here on a Sunday (nobody works here on a Sunday). Looks like you will have to go with Richard's offer instead. Hopefully you can get a refund on the ticket you bought me. :(


  14. Arrgh! If only you had said that a few hours earlier! I just picked up my plane tickets so now I'm going to be crammed into an A380 instead of hanging out in your roomy rowboat. :P

    So it's official. I'll be arriving in the City of Sails on Tuesday afternoon (22 March) and leaving on Friday afternoon. Anyone up for Messing About In Boats?

    Sure Ken, I'll join you! Just wire me the ticket today (I just got called off work), and I'll meet you at the sailboat you have rented. I'll pack us a lunch.


  15. I have the distinction of having the longest boat builds in the known universe. I have a Spindrift started ... the centerboard is done but nothing else. My brother is building a nesting dinghy he swears will fit on the foredeck, but he has a Catalina 22, so I think it will fit on his foredeck, but not the foredeck of my Potter 19! And I keep dreaming of a folding boat to use as a dinghy, but haven't had the time in the last few years to do anything.

    We love it here; Jan and I grew up in Orange County, but it is a mess now with traffic and buildings everywhere. Ventura County is more like OC was back when we were kids. The beaches are mostly deserted in Oxnard still, there are sand dunes and it looks like a real beach still. We sail out of either Channel Islands or Ventura harbors, and have a great time.

    Ah, memories! Have a good sail someday and send pictures. And thanks for the "update" on your build(s). I remember skateboarding on my old metal wheeled red skateboard on the Hollywood side when they were just laying the asphalt there for the harbor parking lot. I left there in the late 80's.

    I plan to take my Belhaven south and sail out of CI Harbor one year. I even have dreams about it. I'll let you know when the time draws near...

    Now back to the regular programming of line diameter. Hijacker out.


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  16. That should work! Should look good too, with the traditional three strand construction. Its pretty common now, but I remember when I looked into getting it for my Weekender, it was about .75 a foot!

    Hi Frank ~ I don't want to hijack this thread, but I left you a reply on the Design Forum re: Oragami. Did you ever build her?

    Also, I hail from Pt. Hueneme. Spent many days working and playing along the Ventura/Channel Islands/Oxnard coasts. Was great back in the 70's!!


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