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Mike Vacanti

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Everything posted by Mike Vacanti

  1. You could get rid of the horn completely by using a weighted centerboard. There would only be an uphaul line, the board is lowered simply by easing the uphaul.
  2. Here is the Blue Peter website, http://www.teamturpin.org/john/lapwing3.htm The builder did a nice job but ended up selling the boat after only sailing it for a short time.
  3. It might be the biaxial was too heavy. A lighter weight (6 oz?) might conform to the radius better.
  4. A fellow who used to post regularly on this forum made this same modification to his CS20. Here is his web page where he describes his work: http://www.roguepaddler.com/cs20p.htm
  5. Alan, thanks for posting the video of the CS20 mk III. Do you know the approximate wind speed when this video was shot? Do you know if the ballast tank was full?
  6. I thought the main reason for installing a centerboard gasket is to reduce drag which increases speed.
  7. In one of Alan's excellent videos that describe his build of a CS 15 (#12, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiTKRlCRQq4&index=13&list=PLCCJRycps-_mbO-Lfdr0s8OZX-4QOZCzL), he specifically addresses this issue. He builds a ramp out of fiberglass to make a smooth transition from the larger to the smaller tube.
  8. If the cabin top will already hold your weight, why are you adding the 10 oz cloth?
  9. I've only built 1 boat and it wasn't a B & B design, it was a Bolger Junebug. The plan calls for planks of closed cell foam in the bow and stern for floatation. Instead, I built air chambers in the bow and stern. Each chamber has a screw in deck plate that I can remove for ventilation and inspection. I would do this again, I think it's a bit lighter and I can use the chambers for small item storage. The design calls for a fixed rudder and I changed to a kick up design. I would definitely do this again. The design had a clip on leeboard that broke the first time it touched bottom. I changed to a Jim Michalak style pivoting leeboard and I'm much happier with it.
  10. Alan, thanks for posting these videos. They're informative and I've really enjoyed watching them.
  11. I wonder if the abrasion resistance of the vacuum bagged xynole will be as good as non-vacuum bagged xynole? I wonder if the greater abrasion resistance of xynole is at least partly as a result of the thick layer of epoxy that is required to fill it.
  12. Amateur boatbuilding is a hobby, not a money making proposition. Depending on the level of finish it is certainly possible that an amateur built boat isn't even worth the cost of materials. I think this is in part beacause it is hard to know how well built a boat is if it is a one-off from a non-professional. There is no "blue book" value for homebuilt boats since the market is so tiny. This uncertainty leads to lower prices.
  13. I've found that getting a good paint finish is the most difficult part of boat building. It's the only part of my boat build that I had to redo.
  14. A centerboard made of plywood is weaker than one made of lumber.
  15. Good luck with your build. And congratulations on rasing such a nice son.
  16. The story of this trip would make a good article for the Small Craft Adviser magazine.
  17. Thanks for posting your video, that was awesome. Did you scout the route ahead of time? It seems like it would have been easy to get stuck out there.
  18. Thanks for posting about your trip, it sounds like quite an adventure. I hope you find time to post more details.
  19. Did you glue the center seam before the entire boat was wired together?
  20. The URL for B&B Yacht Designs is wrong.
  21. How does raising the centerboard reduce heeling?
  22. I thought that Graham broke a sprit in 2007, not a mast.
  23. About a year ago this site almost shutdown. I think that Frank was able to save it by archiving much of the old content which might explain why a search doesn't find anything older than a year or so. Here is the old post where Frank explained this, http://messing-about.com/forums/topic/8166-forum-changes/.
  24. If you want to spray LPU paint (perfection is a LPU) you must use a forced air respirator. When atomized, LPU paint is very toxic. When brushing it you can get away with using an organic filter mask.
  25. The spline would only be weaker if you made it from a smaller diameter aluminum tube. If you made it of solid Douglas Fir and extended the plug a foot or so up the existing mast it seems like that would be stronger than the existing mast. But if Graham has considered that and dismissed it I would take his word for it over my specualtion.
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