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Mike Vacanti

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Everything posted by Mike Vacanti

  1. Thanks for posting the video tour of "Carlita". I really enjoyed it.
  2. Here is a product that is a variation of the technique that PAR describes. I've never used it but have heard some good reviews, KiwiGrip
  3. Alex, I live near you and I'm interested in looking at your boat. Please check your message inbox.
  4. Are you going to glue the keel strake to the undercoat?
  5. The link to your video is broken. I believe this is the video you intended to show us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgrZZqdPcrw
  6. I've had the same problem when painting a primer over WEST Sytems epoxy. I painted the whole boat (Bolger Junebug) before I realized it was never going to dry properly. I had to strip it all off and put on a coat of Interlux 2-part epoxy primer. I think it was called 404/414. The epoxy primer adhered tenaciously and the Brightsides I put over it dried just fine.
  7. What an attractive boat you built. I really like the color scheme you chose.
  8. Thanks for posting your pictures, you do really nice work.
  9. That ladder is described in an article on the Duckworks Magazine website, http://www.duckworksmagazine.com/06/columns/rob/index5.htm
  10. Thanks for posting the video, the quality is excellent. Here is the correct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIoDDKKzXog
  11. Jarhead is probably going to switch to a canoe or kayak for the river part of the Ultimate Florida Challenge.
  12. The first stage of the UF is the EC so he will have to stop at Chokoloskee.
  13. Here is a photo of the Sea Pearl that rolled, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154002246717679&set=g.440773022707818&type=1&theater
  14. Do not sand until you have washed the epoxy surface. If you sand first you will not remove the blush but will just smear it around.
  15. Where is this boat located?
  16. The probable outcome of giving these guys $200 dollars to sell your boat is: 1) An unsold boat 2) $200 dollars you'll never see again
  17. The price on that Five Oceans port is incredibly low. I wonder if the quality matches the price.
  18. You are describing electropolishing, not electroplating.
  19. Here it is: http://messing-about.com/forums/topic/4856-the-new-ec22-design/?hl=%2Bsouthern+%2Bskimmer
  20. Why not use the sail with slides? You could still wrap the sail around the mast for storage. Then you have the option of adding a halyard and reef points at a later date.
  21. I lived in Boca Raton until 1982. I remember a storm in 1978 that rained somewhere around 18" in 1 day. Our whole neighborhood was flooded. Fortunately we didn't get any water in our house. There was about 2 feet of water in the street in front of our house, I was able to snorkel in it. We rowed a small homemade boat all around the neighborhood.
  22. I'm not sure why but I couldn't embed the link when I was logged in using Internet Explorer. I was able to do so with Chrome. I first found your video on youtube and copied the URL. I then typed my post and highlighted the "sailing with dolphins" text. I clicked on the link icon (the icon with a picture of a few links of chain). I pasted the URL in the appropriate field in the dialog box and then clicked OK. That's it. Thanks for posting your video. -Mike
  23. I think this will work: sailing with dolphins
  24. If you can guarantee that there will never be even the slightest break in the epoxy barrier then you might have a point. But I certainly wouldn't count on it. I think it also matters how deep the fastener is buried. I've had screws that worked a bit over time and cracked the epoxy covering them. Admittedly the epoxy layer was pretty thin. If these screws had been plain steel they would have rusted immediately.
  25. Lennie, that is a very good looking boat, nice job.
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