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Everything posted by Hirilonde

  1. I would think that foam would trap water between itself and your frames, not quantities, but wet, and stay that way for a while if not longer.
  2. Yeah, this. I would make sure you have sanded the inside of the frames where the bags go at least, if not all of them.
  3. Boatlife Lifecaulk is one of my favorite marine bedding compounds. But it does not work with plastics, nor do any other polysulfides.
  4. Property damage is for the damage you do to other property.
  5. Oh, you mean hiking straps. Yes, they were imperative in my boat. You have never seen them in small boats? They allow me not only to sit on the side deck comfortably, but I can hike out thus avoid reefing for another 5 or so knots of wind.
  6. @Murray I am trying to remember what I meant by foot steps, and I can't. Are you referring to something to make stepping the main mast easier? I'm getting old.
  7. Untli/unless you learn to roll, and use a skirt, that is a good thing.
  8. @Scott Pettigrew I used Baltic Birch for my kayaks and BS 1088 Okoume and Sapele for my B&B boats. I just bought a 4x8x1/2 sheet of Baltic Birch. The price has skyrocketed here in central Florida. I paid $150, and now there are repairs on the finished surface. I checked my old suppliers in RI and the 5x5 is now $137. It does not seem to have repairs in the picture. Well, the BB used to be cheaper.
  9. The kid is doomed to a life of boating and knowing he can build his own some day.
  10. I didn't say it gets fouled, I said it gets fouled air, and it does.
  11. I bet it is to keep the step from moving while the opoxy cures, there is no way to clamp it.
  12. I made my nesting hardware, but that was before Alan came out with his CNC made HMWP hardware. B&B is the only source I know of. I take it the previous owner used bolts to join the halves? Have fun finishing things up.
  13. I have tried several length oars in my Spindrift 9N. For effecient rowing I found 6'-2" to be the best. But for storing under sail they are too long to store comfortably. If I sailed it much I would go for take apart oars. Shorter just isn't acceptable to me.
  14. The only place on a cat/ketch that doesn't get fouled wind is the top of the main mast On top of the stem might be fairly good wind.
  15. I don't get it. What are the screws supposed to do?
  16. Nope, never, impossible, this is sacrilege! The WRC looks great.
  17. The problem with marking each location based on the last one is that any error is carried forward to the rest of the frames. As a former builder, I awlays layed out walls, floors, roofs, from one end.
  18. I took my Lapwing off Craig's List for that very reason.
  19. I believe the crates are slightly larger than a sheet of plywood, but I would ask Alan and make sure of the exact size.
  20. Are you doiing the sheer strake bright? The end does come, just not as quickly as we may like. Keep paying attention to the details.
  21. White and varnish, looks great!
  22. @Murray - I made birdsmouth masts and didn't want an exposed tube covering the bottom of the mizzen and exposed. It's not really a big deal, just have to be a bit more careful getting the but into the step.
  23. I was trying to sell it as I wasn't using it much. I was hoping to get enough to fund another build, a small, classic, powerboat. In limbo for now.
  24. Yeah, that is surely part of it. Many of those who could properly evaluate the boat upon inspection are the same ones who would choose to build there own instead. And those who would buy don't, and probably shouldn't, trust their ability to evaluate a possible purchase.
  25. First off, is it real Mahogany? (Swietenia) There are many reddish woods labelled Mahogany that really aren't. What type of boat is this? Is the rudder easily removable? Any pictures? Varnish has absolutely no anti-fouling properties, neither does epoxy. So using either as the final coat below the water line is of no value in that regard. I would take the rudder off at the dock or mooring, and varnish it. (If that is an option.) Or you could scribe the waterline with the board up, and paint the submerged part, to 2" about the water, and paint that part with anti-fouling paint, or paint the whole thing.
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