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Everything posted by Jknight611

  1. Mark, check into CHIRP, a free program with popular frequencies already programmed in. Maddening the cable that came with the radio wouldn’t work, I bought a cable for a few dollars from Amazon and it works like a champ. I very briefly tried to manually enter frequencies, nope…..way way too fiddly. So my total investment is about $30 bucks for a marine vhf radio, plus FRS and GMRS (basically walkie-talkie frequencies but with a bit more power. The walkie-talkie frequencies will be useful when someone is using the kayaks or dingy.
  2. That’s the one, we called a bridgetender and his “response” indicated that he heard us. If you want public humiliation ask a bridgetender in south Louisiana if you radio transmissions are acceptable! It does seem to be at least equal to our Icom M72, for about $200 less! Plus has access to many other useful frequencies.
  3. Hi all, this last weekend I had a opportunity to compare my Icom marine VHF radio with a Baofeng UV5R programmable handheld radio. I was absolutely blown away with their performance/price ratio! They are currently $22 apiece on Amazon! The cheap Baofeng radio is smaller, and works as well as the Icom. We called a bridgetender from 6-7 nm away and it worked great! Water resistant? Ziploc had a app for that! I have had the Baofeng radio (bought 2 ) for several months for another project but the programming is a PIA trying to type all the frequencies into it so I put it away with the thought I would get back to that project later. Well last week my rainy day project was to mess with the little radios. I bought a programming cord in addition to the Baofeng supplied (Baofeng cord doesn’t work). I downloaded a ham popular program called Chirp and loaded marine VHF, FRS, GMRS, plus several weather specific frequencies, this is a heck of a lot of performance from a $22 radio! Now…… whether the FCC is concerned…… I will have the cord and I can load frequencies and configure the cheap Baofeng radios at the Messabout this year if anyone is interested from the Raspberry Pi on Kalos.
  4. Hi Paul….correct, 300 days and 27,000+ nm in my CS20.3 would be rather extreme! Although I did spend 300 days rubbing on it!
  5. In my mind the most extreme sporting event, a solo, unsupported lap of the globe in the Southern oceans. Live coverage Sunday Sept 4 morning! Very specific set of rules with traditional type boats.
  6. Don, I haven’t had a lot of success with the soft shackles in Dynema. Light, easy to attach, easy to make they are but after being loaded or after the eyeloop is partially pulled through it is rather time consuming to open the eye back open. I rove some light line into the standing leg with some (limited) success. On the Flinders I had a lot of Dynema soft shackles on the wishbones but I noticed that now most have reverted to Dynema loops and snap shackles. Hope to see you at the Messabout!
  7. We will be there! And looking forward to meeting you! Planning our traditional crawfish étouffée diner. Cooked on Kalos. And now we can have ice cream! Ain’t technology grand!
  8. Our mizzen is on a tabernacle (I suppose all the MK3 20s are) and I just lay my sprits on top of the masts protection provided by pipe insulation, with a few bungees holding it in place. We got tired of the macramé classes untangling the reefing lines after trailering so I made a ventilated cover for the entire mast/sprit assembly when trailering, long long zipper!
  9. Boy, ain’t that the truth! I have been measuring for a dingy to discuss with Graham an Alan at the Messabout. Meanwhile, using an inflatable kayak, till I fall in….
  10. Pretty boat Ken, did you make many passages with her? Colin Archer looking hull form. We briefly considered building a steel Spray…..briefly, very briefly.
  11. Thank you Steve, hope to see you and your boat at the Messabout!
  12. Still not enough wind to really sail, but motoring around a bit. Torqeedo sez….5.8kts can motor for 6.2 hours. Might been a little more if the solar panels were opened up! Still monkeying around with lazyjacks for the main….
  13. And if you want to spray, 3M Accuspray MK2 is an awesome gun, just painted a motorcycle and it looks (rather immodestly) great. Shame it isn’t my bike….
  14. Just like to add, Awlgrip has several types of reducers, looks like the reducer flashed before the flow. I have had reasonable success with Awlgrip T-0005. A quick buz with the DA sander and it is called “an extended primer coat” BTW, Carol has been sick so I haven’t been to the Flinders in almost 2 weeks, it currently is in a marina in Madisonville La, plan to post some pictures without it under sail…..well directionally drifting. Either it is 50kts or 1.2 kts here mid summer!
  15. Ken, remember, checked baggage is getting pretty expensive, can’t imagine what they are going to charge for Rosie!
  16. Hi Amos, We have reserved a slip in a marina on Lake Katherine, after last year’s hurricanes it’s the only travelift in operation in our area. It’s is a 2 hour drive from home but is near our favorite cruising areas along the gulf coast. Several family events going on for a few weeks, then getting serious!
  17. Thank you all very much, it is a beautiful design, with a interesting construction technique. Built basically “inside out” goes quickly, till you start rubbing on it!
  18. The game warden said he had inspected various “homemade “ boats and the general thought it is easier to conduct a “pre license “ inspection than a rescue/recovery. He mentioned some of the boats he inspected/rejected he wouldn’t cross a farm pond in.
  19. We did our “technical launch”, had a minor problem with the centerboard trunk, all good now. We wanted to test the rigging before I paint the masts, wasn’t smart enough to do that on our Core Sound 20.3. So the boat is back home getting the masts painted and some minor additions, stuff like binocular rack, spice rack, stuff like that. Notice Carol taking a nap on the bunk behind the lee cloth. The game warden after he completed his inspection, declaring it to be a boat!
  20. Yep, that was us at “Army Hole” during the Texas 200. Graham was there in Carlita and has written a recap of the adventures on B&B’s website. I think the CS MK series is the perfect boat for sailing that event.
  21. It is really not sideways! Hope to launch next week at a friendly shipyard travelift. Solar panels are all working great, hope to motor around a bit and test the Torqeedo pod drive. 4-1 on the mainsheet sure makes a pile of sheet!
  22. Very nice article about Ken’s Outer Banks 26 in this month’s Small Boats Magazine. Certainly is a beautiful boat, has some good photography too! It does look like it is the perfect boat for their lifestyle on Salt Island.
  23. We have lowered both masts on my CS20.3, not hard at all, as long as there isn’t much rolling of the hull. (Water needs to be pretty smooth, just takes 4-5 minutes) We put on a show at a water front restaurant when we lowered our masts to duck under a train bridge in place of waiting till the scheduled opening time.
  24. Hi Don, PM the details please, I currently plan on an epoxy primer/Awlgrip system.
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