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Everything posted by Jknight611

  1. Looks like he is making good time!
  2. Mark, so far the only resemblance I noticed is they are both cat-ketch rigged sailboats! I hope it performs similar to our CS20.3!
  3. Mark, I have a ski boat ballast pump in the port lazarette my CS20.3 with a 3/4 inch bronze thru hull the aft port side of the centerboard case. I also have a 3 way diverter valve in the locker with a small hose to rinse the cockpit and clean the occasional fish. 4 years later still working fine. I plumbed it with pvc pipe but if I did it over I would consider pex, to eliminate some fittings. The gentle bends of the pex probably flow better too. I didn’t use a thru hull shut off valve, seemed to be overkill. Where my intake port is there is so little hydrostatic pressure, and if it totally failed the locker might get 4 inches of water in it, didn’t seem necessary. I do have to watch using the centerboard as a depth sounder, it gets muddy then the ballast tank gets muddy and it is I PIA to clean out.
  4. Welcome Mark, I think you made a good choice! The MK3 series are fantastic boats, and the kits give an advantage because of their incredible accuracy. Hope you enjoy the build.
  5. Here is the current photos of the Mathew Flinders, we have been working intermittently for about 3 weeks, all the bulkheads are fileted and taped into place, the head bulkheads are just sitting in place (well almost in place!). A very gentlemanly way to build a boat, standing on the outside reaching in! The “rollbar” is part of the building jig, the inner skin of the cabin will sit on top of the jig, so at 6’3” I have an incredible amount of headroom. To show scale, Carol is standing in the galley.
  6. The centerboard molds will be returned to B&B at the Messabout, totally reusable.
  7. I can appreciate the heat, we are building Graham’s new design and it has been over 100 degrees in our shop daily. But it is a moist heat, about mid 90% humidity levels. So my productivity is way down too! Looking forward to seeing both both you and your boat at the Messabout!
  8. Don, it looks great! Nice job!
  9. Steve, any first launch details?
  10. We have all the bulkheads in place that define the structure of the boat, I am 6 feet 3 inches (191 cm) and I have plenty of room everywhere. There is a huge amount of storage, and still have 66 gallons on fresh water, the holding tank is properly sized too. The icebox area will be insulated with 4 inches on the side and 6 inches on bottom and still have a generous area for the cold plate and refrigerated area for two. The 2 main berths are a comfortable sitting height when in the settee mode. We have had much larger boats that were more cramped in the “hi useage” areas.
  11. Our “plan” is to replace our PSC Orion with this boat. My original plan for trailering Orion just doesn’t work. We will do some passages in the Gulf and Caribbean.
  12. We plan to pour the lead at B&B after the Messabout, well that is one plan anyway! The centerboard is solid fiberglass, I will be starting that very soon so we will have it at the Messabout for fitment.
  13. We have been working on Mathew or Matt when things are going well. Every thing in the cabin is dry fit, and when we walk around in the cabin it is amazing the available space. Here is the planview of the interior and a profile view.
  14. Ken, you can come to Mississippi, nice and warm here and “do” my woodwork! Your boat is beautiful!
  15. Pete, that is really a good idea! Our CS needs a more rigid method to reboard from the water. How did you attach them to the transom? Pete Planks are a hit.......and now this!
  16. Mark, I am sure the CS20.3 will work perfectly for you. My wife an I have spent as long as 2 weeks on ours and it worked out pretty well sailing the coastal area. My sailing instructor told the class “ sail the smallest boat you can afford” . Took me a while to figure that one out but he is absolutely correct. The CS20.3 has proved to be quite seaworthy, our sailing area is the GOM and I have never had the slightest concern about our boat. The Mathew Flinders is a Graham Byrnes design. Mathew Flinders was a English cartographer in the late 1700s that charted the Australian coastline, Graham’s homeland. Alan has done a magnificent job converting the design to the huge pile of parts, that so far fit together perfectly. Boy there is a bunch of parts! We are standing bulkheads now, and I’ll post some more pictures in the next day or so.
  17. A bewildering heap of materials, we started building on June 24. The stub keel is 7/16 solid fiberglass, with a lead keel attached below later in the process. We had some concerns with the heat in the shop, so the layup took 3 work periods. And after one of the embarrassing phone calls to Alan, we are standing bulkheads today. The keel is supported by a very substantial jig, then the hull strakes are formed over the bulkhead structure.
  18. Hi all, at the 2018 Messabout, Graham mentioned his design of a 24 foot cat ketch that would be blue water capable. We were instantly interested! Our CS20.3 is a fantastic boat, quite seaworthy, fast, fun and easy to trailer about, but I am a big guy and the cabin of our Southern Express was “kinda tight” for me. We have a blue water boat that I thought would be a maxi-trailerable but after several very expensive moves I realized.......missed my goal. So, I have the pleasure of introducing..... Mathew Flinders!!
  19. Very nice Pete, great idea and execution. Looking forward to seeing how you like it. A transom is awfully big when you are in the water trying to get back aboard.
  20. In a road induced trance when we noticed 2 huge cat ketch boats. Actually it is the bridge bridge over the Mississippi River near Greenville Ms
  21. I have just the one block in mine. I have a plexiglass cover over it, it will sometimes get a little water up there.
  22. A mizzenmast tabernacle is good stuff, and it solves your minor problem. You will thank yourself every time you rig, also gets rid of a mast crutch to hold the masts at the mizzenmast (aft) end when you trailer. When I made our mizzenmast tabernacle, made it slightly too low making it a problem to enter the cabin with the masts down. I would make mine 1 1/2 higher than I did so I can squiggle into the cabin.
  23. Todd, as a side note I would keep silicon sealant far away from your boat build. Lots of good sealants around but silicons can cause headaches then you start painting. May years ago I bought a Columbia 26 that the ports had been silicones into place, still leaked and it was the absolute devil to decontaminate that area, and apparently where the installer had some on his hands and touch random places on the boat. I installed the anchor well/ cabin vent with mosquito netting after the first long weekend aboard. Very effective!
  24. One of the beauties of boat building is ya learn to repair any “misunderstandings “. I may or may not have several on my CS20.3 but.......
  25. Hi Pete, our local boat trailer supplier has a spray that lubricants the carpet on our trailer. A quick spritz of this stuff and our boat glides on and off the trailer. We do have the carpeted bunks, but if friction is a problem possibly consider carpet and this lube on the carpet. Doesn’t make a mess on the boat either
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