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Don Silsbe

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Status Replies posted by Don Silsbe

  1. Nick

    Nick    PAR

    Hi there, just saw a photo of your CS on a post about painting the centre board trunk. Your centre board trunk pictured was completely closed in and I couldn’t see any ropes anywhere....what magic is this?

    is it a weighted centre board? And how are you raising it?



    1. Don Silsbe

      Don Silsbe

       My c/b pennant runs along the port side of the c/b trunk.  It cleats on the underside of the middle seat.  The c/b is weighted.  The pennant is a 4:1 cascade system that runs along the trunk, making a u-turn at the forward end of the trunk.  If you’re interested in more detail, I’ll have this all apart in a couple of weeks.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Nick

    Nick    PAR

    Hi there, just saw a photo of your CS on a post about painting the centre board trunk. Your centre board trunk pictured was completely closed in and I couldn’t see any ropes anywhere....what magic is this?

    is it a weighted centre board? And how are you raising it?



    1. Don Silsbe

      Don Silsbe

      PAR passed away about a year ago.  I have such a system.  Let me see if I can find a photo.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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