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Frank Hagan

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Posts posted by Frank Hagan

  1. We had a brief outage of all websites on June 2 when we had to reinstall the server OS. This affected all HOSTkabob.com hosted websites. Server security has been tightened up a bit, so please let me know if you see anything unusual in the forums, especially in regards to posting images, email notices from the site, etc.



  2. Clicking the "Report" link when you see a spam message does help! I can then go in and zap them.


    For a long time the Invision Power Board shared database of spammers worked really, really well. As soon as one IPB board banned someone, they were prevented from registering at any of the other IPB boards. But the spammers have found a way around that, and we've had about 5 spam messages in the past 2 months.

  3. I don't recall if the measurement is taken with the deadwood in place or not. I think it should include the deadwood, which you probably haven't placed yet. The deadwood moves the measuring point up on the stem enough to make it another 3+ inches in length overall.


    The plans are with my Weekender at a nephew's house, but that's what I recall. My original website on making my Weekender is up at http://www.frankhagan.com/weekender/ and I've got some information there (warning: very ugly, 1990's era site that was hand coded. I knew it was ugly then, and its even uglier now).

    • Like 1
  4. Spammers are getting through our automated system lately, so I've changed permissions for "New Members".


    When a person signs up and confirms their email address, they are a "New Member". Previously, they could post a message and have it appear immediately on the forums. Now, their first message must be approved by me before it appears. If approved they move to "Members" status and can post just like everyone else.


    messing-about.com is pretty pristine compared to other Internet forums, with a great user community and not too many spammers. I'd like to keep it that way!

    • Like 1
  5. It's definitely not a financial transaction you want to repeat very often; the cost of materials is probably more than the boat is worth. But, the process of building it with your Dad isn't something you can put a value on.


    Check to see if you have a Sea Scouts chapter near you as well; if you itemize deductions the gift of a boat to a charitable organization can be taken at fair market value.

    • Like 1
  6. Hello everyone,I was just updating my passwords and realized I have not been on this forum for quite a while.Just thought I'd drop in to see if any of the "oldtimers" were still around. Barry? Frank?Joel (weekender Island Girl)


    Yep, still here of course, but haven't been on the water in years now. Life has conspired to interfere with the things I love far too much the last few years!

    • Like 1
  7. Absolutely beautiful! Did you tell your grandson's parents about it, or is it a surprise?


    I built a very similar one for my grandson about 8 years ago, but it had a flat bottom. The plan had built rocker feet for it also, and they used it that way once the grandchild got older. Now it's a toy box in the kid's room. I actually liked working with the copper rivets.


    I live in Oxnard, next to Port Hueneme. Is your son or daughter in the Navy?


    I saw one episode last year, I think, and you're right ... it was all production boat building and focused primarily on automation. The episode I saw did include some talk about the woodworkers fitting teak railing.


    I wonder what a show like this would do with Graham's massive catamaran project?

    From the inception of the design all the way to now is a story that will probably never be told. But it is such a story for the entire industry. The man is a walking genius in his own right. The massive wiring that's now taking place would rival most aircraft carriers too.



    One of the problems is probably the time frame to tell such a story. You count the hours when making media, and being there for each step of the build would take millions of dollars. But they could recreate the years of building with images and interviews, and have someone film the launch, and create a pretty good segment out of that.

  9. I saw one episode last year, I think, and you're right ... it was all production boat building and focused primarily on automation. The episode I saw did include some talk about the woodworkers fitting teak railing.


    I wonder what a show like this would do with Graham's massive catamaran project?

  10. Give us some background on you, what role you play with the show, and if you come from a boat-related background or ???  It would be interesting to hear some "behind the scenes" info on how you select the boat builders, etc.

  11. The cost difference for the entire boat, would have been $700 which is a ridiculously small amount to try to save in  a $20 K plus overall expenditure.


    It is one of the first expenditures a new boat builder considers, so the cost of ply may take on an overstated importance.


    In my case, I never expected my boat to last more than five years, and I considered using the cheapest materials a challenge. It's 13 years later and the boat, still living on her trailer but now at a nephew's house, is doing fine. I used construction grade lumber and exterior ply, the cheapest epoxy I could find, and marine salvage materials where possible. HOWEVER, had I known someone else in the family would want it, I would have used better materials. There's a lot of maintenance that starts to become necessary after a few years.


    If I were to build another boat, it would be a better design and I would use much better quality materials.

  12. Well, the Touch looks nice, but it isn't in production yet, and the creator is trying to finance making it using that Indie GoGo crowd sourcing project. So it wouldn't meet the immediate need of which cordless drill to buy.


    I like Bosch and Makita. My favorite cordless right now is a light weight 9v Makita that has two batteries. One rests in the charger while I wear down the other one. It doesn't have the power that a 12 or 18v drill has, but is also very light, has a slim base, and doesn't wear me out if I'm "drilling overhead".

  13. I wonder if it's really a privacy settings. I suspect Facebook is requesting a cookie from your browser.


    I recently did an article on email privacy rules regarding "nonpublic personal information" for fellow tax preparers, who are considered "financial institutions" by the Feds (so they have to adhere to the same rules as banks). Many don't follow the FTC guidelines for privacy of personal information, and do things like password protect a PDF file containing the client's social security number, birthdates, etc. and email it. In researching it, I found quite a bit of information I didn't know before: basically, privacy is very hard to obtain!

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