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Frank Hagan

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Posts posted by Frank Hagan

  1. Sorry, Egbert! Use the "Attach Files" section below the editor. The "upload file" link was removed from the image icon for some reason a while ago, and I always forget.


    Click the "Browse" button to select the file, then the "Attach This File" to upload it to our server:




    It is attached as a thumbnail at the bottom of the image by default, but you can place it into the body of the message by positioning your cursor where you want it, and clicking "Add to Post":





  2. Hey Egbert, after you have one approved post (which you now have) you can upload images to the forums. Try it now with a pic on your computer. Just click the little image icon, next to the < > icon on the tool bar.


    Keeping the spammers at bay is hard, but we do a pretty good job by requiring the first post to be approved before allowing full access and upload rights, etc. Otherwise we get pictures none of us want to see!

  3. This forum is hosted by messing-about.com with the permission of, and participation by Bluejacket Boats.

    Discussion here is generally about the Bluejacket boats designed by Tom Lathrop.  We don't strictly enforce topic rules on messing-about.com, so if a conversation leads off into a different direction, don't be too concerned.  Conversations do that sometimes!  If the topic doesn't apply at all, I may move it to the Main Forum.


    Note: Plans are no longer being sold by Blue Jacket Boats. Tom is enjoying a well deserved retirement now.

  4. Hmmmm ... the forum software guys gave me some recommendations regarding the standard search routines, and they are still indexing some of the 80,000+ posts, but the search function seems to be working better. I have the Google search app disabled for now. We'll see how it goes.

  5. The built-in search doesn't work well with our archived posts (we have over 80,000 posts on the board now). So I have added Google site search to the forums. A search for "Princess 22" or "weekender keel" will now pull up the hundreds of posts pertaining to those topics, even the archived ones.


    it does have Google ads on it; I haven't priced the ad-free business version yet, but may consider it later. Not sure how much they charge for it.


    The old search is also still available, just select "Forums" under the "Search" section:



  6. Looks like the PHP file limit was reset to the default of 2MB when we restored the server. I've increased it to 20MB. Its rebuilding now, but will take an hour or so (so don't test it before 10:45 Pacific time).


    The forum settiings were the same, no post can have more than 16 MB in total file size including images. That should be plenty!

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