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Frank Hagan

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Frank Hagan last won the day on October 25 2024

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About Frank Hagan

  • Birthday 04/24/1956

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    Oxnard, CA

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  1. For any Stevenson Project builders, I will be letting the byyb.org domain name expire on Dec. 18, 2024, and the website will go dark. There isn't much activity there any longer, and the organization itself is defunct. The photo albums were lost with a server crash several years ago. The website is basically two pages (a main page and the BYYB Constitution) and a link to the forums hosted at TapaTalk. If any of you builders want the site to keep it up, please let me know.
  2. No problem! Thanks for the post. It's a fine looking CS17! The software used to try and post the contents of Word docs, but doesn't any more. Instead, the software put it as a downloadable file, but depending on people's browser and computer, it will either open in a Word window (if they have Word and have enabled opening the files) or save it to your downloads folder. But it doesn't prompt you to download it, so people miss that it DID download! You can also copy/paste from Word into the editor when posting, but the images sometimes have to be added manually.
  3. I put the content in the first post. @Samantha Ritchie - if that's not OK just let me know and I'll remove the extra content.
  4. Sorry about that. The database is having issues with some character sets and I'm working on resolving it.
  5. It looks like the move was successful, and we are back up. I still need to do some server configuration so there may be some minor hiccups over the next few days.
  6. We are once again moving servers to one with more memory and (anticipated) better response times. I expect this to take place this evening, July 21, 2024 and hope there isn't more than just a few hours of downtime.
  7. With flying colors! Or, the site corrected itself anyway.
  8. It's an annual thing. I send out an email with a link about a month before it's time to renew. You can see two dates in your profile, "Supporting member since" and "supporting member until". Yours doesn't come up for renewal until September. I do it that way because many people are very active while building their boat, but not so much after they finish, so they may only want to support and use the site for a year or two.
  9. There was a bug fix update just before I saw your message so I think this time (at least this time) a bug fix rolled out before I knew there was a bug!
  10. Now back to my profile. Testing this response.
  11. According to his webmaster, Keith, Tom is no longer selling plans. This is from his email to me this past May.
  12. Thanks! You should get a confirmation email soon.
  13. Hi Captain Tim - you can donate for another year at this link. Thanks!
  14. Thanks for that! It can be challenging at times. I'm hoping this one goes quickly when the transfer happens. There's a bit of work after that because the IP address will change when we move, but hopefully it won't be a long drawn out process.
  15. A fire in the data center is requiring our server to be moved. There may be some downtime over the next 24 hours while this is done, but the data center host assures me that we won't run into the problems we had last June. I apologize for the inconvenience!
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