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Chick Ludwig

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Chick Ludwig last won the day on September 2 2024

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About Chick Ludwig

  • Birthday 12/24/1946

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  • Location
    Hendersonville, NC
  • Interests
    Building/using power and sail boats. Usually go on 2 or 3 day cruises.
    Built prototype Princess 22, Outer Banks 20, and CS-20 Mk-2, CS-17 Mk-3, and Turtler. have also built Moccasin-1, Moccasin-2 canoes, and Mini-paw dingy---all from B and B plans. Old Codger, a modified Jessy 15. Happy Hour Kayak, modified Tango 12. Two electric mini-boats of my own design.

    Used to be professional fiberglass boat builder and repairer. Also worked in production design for several sailing yacht builders in Florida.

    Messing about in boats, boat building, Building r/c model planes. Turtle collecting. Working on our new home in the mountains.

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  1. On Southern Breeze, I used sail ties to furl the sails to the sprits. Tighten the snotter to where you want the the front of the sprit to be above the deck when you raise the sprit with a topping lift to get it out of the way. I do the same thing when I lower the masts for trailering, but I pull the aft end of the sprit all the way to where it lays up against the mast. Then a couple of ties around the sprit and mast to hold it there. I have a permanent topping lift on each mast. You'll have to either unhook the sheet or let it way out to get it out of the way and let the sprit raise.
  2. Either place is good.
  3. Post this in the Boating & Crusing Stories section of this forum.
  4. Obscenely Tenacious would be a good boat name.
  5. I was just giving where to get the form to register a home built boat in North Carolina. Here it is again. https://www.ncwildlife.org/vl-1-formpdf/download?attachment
  6. Qops, I forgot to give you the site for the form. https://www.ncwildlife.org/vl-1-formpdf/open
  7. Here is the form to use to register your boat in North Carolina. You will fill out section 3 and have your signature notarized. The state will assign your hull number (HIN number). I've mailed several of these in over the years and never had a problem. The boat will not be inspected.
  8. Don's got it! The planing bottom boat has no rocker in the aft and center hull bottom. The location of the center of gravity in relation to the center of the planing area is important for proper planing. That is why the console is forward. As for deadrise, the boat with no deadrise requires less power to plane it. But, that is not the only consideration in most cases. As Don said, it will pound in choppy water. The more deadrise you have, the less it will pound, but the more power you will need. A prime example of this is the deep-V design power boats as designed by C. Raymond Hunt back in the 50s~60s.
  9. Shore looks purty!!! Great job. You should sneak in a sail before they come.
  10. Nice glass work!
  11. I built a few small sailboats with a one piece rudder in a kick-up affair. It was very awkward to steer when kicked back part way.
  12. It will stick it's nose in the air and "mush" along. Or if it does plane, it will porpoise badly.
  13. Glad to be of service!
  14. Check carefully for rot. Around edges of transom, bottom of CB trunk, mast step, inside enclosed spaces are all favorite spots. If the area is not painted, look for dark spots. If painted, tap with something hard like a hammer. Should sound solid. if it's a hollow sound, could be rotted. The old way before fiber-glassed seams was to poke with something sharp like an ice pick.
  15. I had tabernacles on both main and mizzen (Or is it fore and main?) of Summer Breeze.
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